Minelli Magazine - Brushes

Looking for eco-friendly hairbrush makers? Some advice

Written by Riccardo Carminati | January 20 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic has raised public awareness about environmental issues. People are now more prone to buy sustainable items, and environmental protection is one of the factors they consider before making a purchase.

Adding eco-friendly hairbrushes in your catalogue is a great way to gain a competitive edge. Here are some points you should evaluate when choosing a reliable supplier.

How to recognize a real eco-friendly hairbrush

If you have decided to offer sustainable hairbrushes in your catalogue, you have made a good choice to stay ahead of the spreading green trend and attract new customers.

In January 2020, IBM—the American multinational technology company—published an important study on consumer trends (you can download the report here) in which they reveal that shopping behaviour has changed significantly toward a more conscious experience.

They report that sustainability is especially important for consumers, and more than 70% would be willing to pay a premium of 35% for brands that demonstrate particular attention to protecting the environment.

Moreover, 57% of consumers would change their purchasing habits to help reduce negative environmental impact.

Brands and companies cannot ignore this trend, and they look for suppliers of eco-friendly items to offer on their shelves.

Including sustainable products in your catalogue is therefore the right decision to be successful in the market.

However, what does sustainable really mean?

Many people believe that an eco-friendly hairbrush is simply made of recyclable material. This is just partially true, however, as sustainability does not concern just the raw material.

A product can be considered sustainable if each phase of its production and distribution process causes no harm to natural wildlife or other living creatures.

Wood, for example, is organic and recyclable. It is naturally present in nature and does not cause any damage to the environment when thrown away.

If we just think about the material, we could say that wood is sustainable and perfect to create green items.

Nevertheless, there are other points to consider when selecting a reliable wood maker:

  • collection of the raw material
  • production process of wooden items
  • transportation and logistics
Wood collection

Illegal logging and deforestation are two main concerns when talking about wood collection. To be 100% sustainable, the raw material must be gathered following all the rules as well as the parameters imposed by the market to safeguard the environment. This is guaranteed by FSC certification, which demonstrates that wood comes from responsibly managed forests.

Sustainable forest management aims at ensuring that products derived from forests meet today’s needs as well as those of future generations without any negative consequences for the soil or trees.

When forests are properly managed, there are many benefits for both humans and the environment in terms of biodiversity, regeneration, and forest health.

Thus, when choosing your supplier of eco-friendly wooden objects, the first step is ensuring that it uses only FSC-certified wood.

Sustainable production process

Wasting raw materials and resources and using inefficient energy implants and technologies make the entire production process unsustainable.

When producing wooden products, you create a large amount of sawdust and waste. Your supplier should have a Scrap Management System to obtain wooden blocks from scraps that can be used for future production of smaller items, such as an eco-friendly hairbrush or a wooden toothbrush.

It means following the principles of a circular economy model to keep products and material in use.

Transportation and logistics

Vehicle emissions have a great effect on the environment. Shortening the process that raw materials go through to reach production is essential to reduce the carbon footprint.

If your supplier harvests wood from nearby forests and has production plants where wood is collected, it means that it works hard to reduce the company’s carbon footprint and leads to a shorter supply chain that offers better competition.

As you can understand, if your supplier produces wooden items, it does not mean they are 100% sustainable. There are many aspects to consider to be sure you are buying real eco-friendly objects.

The Minelli Group has always focused on sustainability: in 1999, we were among the first to be certified by the FSC when it was not yet a standard.

We recently underwent an EcoVadis Audit and received a highly positive rating in terms of environmental, labor & human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement impact.

This demonstrates our sincere dedication to pursue a responsible manufacturing model that respects the environment as well as all ethical aspects of business.

If you are looking for a 100% eco-friendly hairbrush maker, do not hesitate to contact us!