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How to identify top-quality and resistant wooden combs

Posted by Riccardo Carminati on September 14 2023 - Reading time: 6 minutes

wooden combsOne of the standout achievements of Minelli’s expertise in wood manufacturing is the production of wooden combs. Crafting wooden combs demands meticulous craftsmanship, competence, and an in-depth understanding of wood properties complemented by the use of precise machinery, software, and tools to ensure consistent quality for each object.

In the following article, we discuss the advantages of top-quality wooden combs and how to choose a competent manufacturer.

Why are wooden combs particularly challenging to produce?

Many combs marketed as “wooden” predominantly feature wooden handles but have plastic teeth.

In an era where sustainability is a prevailing concern and consumers are increasingly inclined toward eco-friendly products, many suppliers promote wooden combs that, in reality, are not completely sustainable.

The primary challenge lies in the intricacy of manufacturing wooden combs that demands impeccable craftsmanship to ensure they are safe, free from splinters, and fully functional for users.

The production process requires a manufacturer with extensive expertise in wood crafting along with access to the appropriate tools and machinery to manage these components effectively.

Below, we outline a perfectly made wooden comb.

The characteristics of a top-quality wooden comb

Well polished and completely smooth

These qualities make the comb extremely gentle for all kinds of hair and length. Teeth must be perfectly smooth and rounded on every side, which prevents tangling and curling and allows the hair to be easily combed while reducing the possibility of damage/breakage and massaging the scalp without hurting it.

wooden combs

As you can see in the images above and below, a top-quality comb is completely smooth on all surfaces, including at the lower edge of the teeth. Comparing it to a standard wooden comb, the difference is striking: the standard wooden comb at that point has a flat surface, while the top-quality one has a round surface that avoids having hair stuck in the comb and significantly reduces the possibility of breakage, allowing the end user to make the comb slip all the way to the end.

wooden comb

wooden comb

wooden comb

wooden comb

No sharp or irregular corners

To always allow a soft and gentle move, all the teeth of a top-quality wooden comb must also be smooth on internal surfaces without sharp corners or any kind of obstacle that could prevent the comb from flowing to the edge of the hair. Combing the hair must no longer be a necessity but rather a pleasant ritual.

wooden combs

Perfect structure

Wooden combs should be designed to last forever, so they should have a perfectly balanced structure. A perfectly made wooden comb is composed of two different wooden parts: one with horizontal direction and one being vertical. This structure helps avoid breakage while twisting and always keeps the comb in its original shape despite the environment’s humidity.

wooden comb

Responsible, sustainable, durable, unique

It’s worth noting that many individuals are eco-conscious and prefer wooden combs. They are aware of the challenges our planet faces and actively seek to make more environmentally responsible choices in their daily lives.

Wood comes from trees, which are a natural and renewable resource. It is a recyclable and biodegradable material that helps avoid pollution and, if compared with plastic, leaves a smaller carbon footprint on the environment.

It’s essential, however, to recognize that not all wood comes from sustainable sources. To provide truly sustainable products, it’s imperative to ensure that wood originates from responsibly managed forests and is harvested in compliance with environmental and forestry protection regulations set by the market.

Verifying that the wood is certified by such organizations as the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) or PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) is paramount.

There are other reasons, however, why wooden combs are better than plastic ones.

They regulate the quantity of sebum

While sebum is beneficial for hair health, excess sebum can lead to a slick and greasy appearance. Wooden fibers can soak up surplus sebum, resulting in cleaner hair and a more vibrant appearance.

They help keep hair softer and smoother

Combing hair with a wooden comb helps distribute the natural healthy oil from the scalp all the way down to the ends, feeding, smoothing, and making them neater. Combing stimulates sebaceous glands with a little gentle massage that helps the blood flow and hair grow. It can also help relieve stress on the neck and scalp and calm the mind.

wooden comb

They reduce static charge

Plastic and synthetic bristles tend to amplify the electrical charge in hair, leading to static, frizz, and unruly flyaways. In contrast, wooden pins have a neutral charge, rendering wooden combs inherently antistatic. This ensures that hair stays sleek and is free from static electricity when using a wooden comb.

This characteristic is a great advantage for both professional and home-use hair care tools.

wooden combs

wooden combs

How to select the right supplier of wooden combs

When considering including wooden hairbrushes in your product catalogue, it's essential to select the right supplier. To create wooden combs, a wood manufacturer must have advanced woodworking technology and extensive experience.

Furthermore, fully automated production lines and rigorous quality control systems are prerequisites to guarantee the highest standards of safety and functionality.

Moreover, if your goal is to offer environmentally sustainable products, it’s imperative that the manufacturer adheres to sustainable practices and utilizes wood certified by the FSC/PEFC and sourced from responsibly managed forests following environmental and forestry protection guidelines.

At the Minelli Group, sustainability has been our focus since 1999. We were among the pioneers to obtain FSC certification when it was not yet a standard, and today we are also PEFC certified.

Our integration of cutting-edge software, innovative machinery, and decades of expertise in wood manufacturing allows us to ensure top-quality products that will distinguish you from your competitors and keep you at the forefront of the market.

All our production lines are equipped with CNC (computer numerical control) machines, mechanical arms, and automated processes that are overseen by professionals with profound knowledge in each industrial procedure.

In specific situations, we can even develop customized production lines tailored to your requirements, ensuring maximum efficiency, profitability, and competitiveness.

If you want more information about our wooden combs, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us!


Topics: wood manufacturing, wood manufacturing company, wooden combs