Minelli Magazine - Packaging

Innovative packaging for perfume: why wood can make it unique

Written by Edoardo Cavagnetto | December 02 2021

Packaging for perfume is very important for brands, as it is a strong marketing tool that thanks to its design can convince people to buy.

Some perfume bottles are real icons that consumers have in their minds. Think about Chanel° No 5: who does not remember the sophisticated squared bottle with the rectangular cap and the straw-yellow color of the content inside?

Perfume packaging makes the difference. In this article, let’s discuss why wood can contribute to make a bottle unique.

Why packaging for perfume can convince customers to buy

Marketing for perfumes is strongly connected to psychology. People do not decide to buy a fragrance just for its smell, as many other factors come into play.

The perfume packaging design is the first thing people see when they want to purchase a fragrance, and it influences their decision. Customers see the design of the bottle, they touch it, and they unconsciously begin to imagine it in their house or while they spray a small amount of scent onto their skin.

Perfume bottles tell a story, and finding the right story to be told is one of the most effective ways to influence buyers’ decisions.

Packaging for perfume is an essential element that can transform the fragrance into a multisensory experience, stimulating not only the sense of smell but also touch and sight when it is made of a particular material and enhanced with special finishes that make it unique.

Some packages are real works of art, objects of design that people love to display in their homes.

Have you ever heard the term embodied cognition?

It is one of the more counterintuitive ideas in cognitive science that asserts that the mind is not only connected to the body but that the body also influences the mind. (You can find more information here.)

It means that our cognition is influenced by the physical experiences we live through our senses.

That is why involving our five senses by creating a visual atmosphere or broadcasting music has become a standard in the fashion, beauty, and wellness industries.

Understanding the relationship between the mind and the senses can have a significant effect on customers intention to buy. The key is to develop a strategy that implements a balanced transmission of sensory stimuli.

Wood packaging is an effective way to deliver sensorial experiences.

How wood packaging for perfume can stimulate the senses

It makes packaging recognizable

A perfume bottle and cap must be built to transmit the brand identity and designed to be consistent and recognizable to stimulate the sense of sight.

Wood is an elegant and precious material that makes perfume packaging luxurious and prestigious, something unforgettable.

Moreover, being flexible and easily machinable, it can be used to create unusual shapes that immediately attract buyers’ attention. If you find a supplier with cutting-edge technologies and tools, it will be able to create amazing objects customized according to your and your clients’ requirements.

You need to be sure that your supplier can offer a wide range of finishing options to create distinctive and visually appealing products. Glowing finishes, glitter and pearlescent coatings, enamels, dipping, and special varnishes are great ways to catch consumers’ attention

It is pleasant to the touch

Touch is another powerful sense we exploit in our purchasing decisions. When people touch a product, they feel the emotions it conveys and perceive the sensations it transmits, resulting in an overall positive or negative perception of the object.

Being alive, wood is naturally comfortable and warm to the touch and conveys a sense of purity and elegance that is unthinkable with other materials.

Its eco-friendliness enhances positive sensations even more, especially in those people who are more conscious of environmental problems and the importance of sustainability.

Wood can make your product seem unique in consumers’ hands, especially if personalized with coatings, effects, and special finishes. Soft-touch finishes, polymer coatings, multilevel embossing or laser engravings, for example, can cause very different sensations when touched, inviting consumers to engage with the product once they take it from the shelf.

It is part of the olfactory experience

It is undeniable that the perfume’s scent is essential for the final purchasing decision and is the main reason why people choose a particular fragrance. The raw material, however, is also important.

Wood has a natural special scent that distinguishes it from other materials, which is why many brands, especially if eco-friendly and vegan, decide to leave it in a rough state when creating their packaging.

Consider that many types of wood, e.g., sandalwood, rosewood, and cedarwood, are popular ingredients used in perfumery!

The choice of packaging for perfume is necessary for brands, and you should be able to offer a wide range of possibilities. If your clients ask for wood packaging, ensure that you find a specialized supplier that can create top-quality, safe, and durable wooden products that are also elegant and aesthetically beautiful.

The Minelli Group has advanced technologies and software as well as the necessary experience and competency to create any shape, even the most complicated, and enhance it with any type of finish you want.

If you need more information, contact us right now!