Minelli Magazine - Packaging

How to select eco-friendly cosmetic packaging manufacturers

Written by Edoardo Cavagnetto | July 21 2022

Apparently, there are many eco-friendly cosmetic packaging manufacturers to choose from, but not all suppliers actually produce sustainable products. You have many aspects to consider, and the raw material used is just one of them.

Keep on reading the article to discover more!

Why should you choose an eco-friendly cosmetic packaging manufacturer?

It is certainly a good idea if you have decided to widen your catalogue with sustainable cosmetic packaging and caps to follow the actual green trend and be more competitive.

In fact, younger generations especially demonstrate an increasing interest in environmental and social issues, and they want to make more conscious choices in their everyday lives.

Smarter brands and companies have already noticed this trend and are now offering more ecological products on their shelves.

As a packaging supplier, you should therefore find eco-friendly cosmetic packaging manufacturers that can create top-quality packaging made with sustainable materials to offer in your catalogue. You can then grab the attention of these so-called “Green Generations” that are increasingly worried about the problems of climate change and ocean pollution we are living with today.

Threaded wooden caps combined with sealing discs made of cork, for example, are the best solution to create 100% sustainable cosmetic packaging, ensuring maximum functionality and performance without the need for plastic, glue, and resin.

Wood packaging lets you avoid microplastics and reduce pollution

One of the worst risks today is that of microplastics both for people’s health and for the planet’s well-being.

An estimated 8 million tonnes of plastic enter our oceans each year, and according to The Guardian, microplastic pollution has been discovered lodged deep in the lungs of living people for the first time. The most common particle is polypropylene, which is used in plastic packaging and pipes, and PET used in bottles.

Besides threatening the entire eco-system, this study demonstrated that particles could move in the body and may settle in organs.

This could be a great problem for people.

Plastic cosmetic packaging is very common today, as it is cheap and accessible. Once discarded, however, these nonbiodegradable items end up in landfills and the ocean.

It has been estimated that at least 5.25 trillion plastic particles weighing above 268,000 tons have been discarded into the Oceans.

Eco-friendly cosmetic packaging manufacturers make the difference

Choosing a sustainable manufacturing company (i.e., an enterprise that has minimal negative impact or potentially a positive effect on the global or local environment, community, society, or economy—definition from Wikipedia) that operates with eco-friendly raw materials (e.g., FSC/PEFC-certified wood) is the best way to reduce the negative impact of manufacturing processes on the environment.

How do you recognize real eco-friendly cosmetic packaging manufacturers?

Sustainability concerns the whole production process of the manufacturing company, from collection of the raw materials to production and distribution.

It means manufacturing products and components without negatively affecting the environment and the community, finding a balance between profitability, environmental concern, and social commitment.

Collection of wood

Cutting trees is not always bad. Managing forests by applying sustainable practices is beneficial for the environment, as it:

  • improves the health of forests
  • encourages regeneration
  • increases safety
  • satisfies the market need for timber

In a responsibly managed forest, for every tree harvested, another one replaces it, ensuring preservation of the natural wildlife.


Read this article to learn the benefits of sustainable logging!

You must ensure that the manufacturer you select uses only FSC and PEFC wood that comes from responsibly managed forests.

EUTR 995 (EU market) and the Lacey Act (U.S. market) are two important regulations, too, that ensure wood is collected legally.

Moreover, if the wood company promotes the use of fast-growing timber, e.g., beech, hornbeam, maple, ash, and birch, it means it takes care of sustainability and the environment.

Transparency is also crucial to evaluate a company’s sustainability. The most sustainable companies release annual sustainability reports to disclose the most relevant information about the products they create.


An eco-friendly wood manufacturing company tries to reduce its energy consumption and minimize discarded materials by following the principles of a circular economy model.

For example, verify if it uses discarded pieces of wood to fuel heating systems and drying chambers or recycle them to create other wooden items.


According to the International Energy Agency, CO2 emissions from the global transport sector fell by more than 10% in 2020, as restrictions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic changed mobility patterns, global supply chains, and domestic and international travel. Transport demand rebounded in 2021, however, and still continues to increase.

A sustainable wood maker tries to reduce the negative impact of transportation and logistics, for example, by producing wooden objects where the raw material is collected to shorten the process that raw materials go through to reach production.

The Minelli Group has always focused on sustainability: in 1999, we were among the first to be certified by the FSC when it was not yet a standard. Today, we are also PEFC certified.

We recently underwent an EcoVadis Audit and received a highly positive rating in terms of environmental, labor & human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement impact.

This demonstrates our sincere dedication to pursue a responsible manufacturing model that respects the environment as well as all ethical aspects of business.

If you are looking for eco-friendly cosmetic packaging manufacturers, do not hesitate to contact us!